Blitz Loto Brand Launch

Lottery platform Perlas Network faced a challenge introducing electronic instant lotteries. E-instant lotteries were a category unknown to lottery participants, at the same time being quite complex to present. Also, some consumers have mistaken the game for online gambling. There was a need to promote the lottery category through the name and visual expression that best communicates its characteristics and uniqueness. 

Based on the insights gained during focus group research and strategic insight a new brand was developed for a platform that combines all e-instant lotteries – Blitz Loto, which is characterized by simple, yet bold and attention-capturing visuals, short, witty messages and optimistic slogan “Someone Is About To Win”. Different color schemes go well with various kinds of internet lottery games, and the whole visual identity simplifies the usage and helps to perceive a platform as an easy and fun to use. 

Perlas Network, 2019